McKay G. English headteacher perspectives on school responses to protect student and staff mental wellbeing in the later stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Education Journal. 2023
McKay G. Ebola outbreaks, community needs, response priorities: Case studies of community engagement in Ebola responses in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. LSHTM DrPH Thesis. 2023
McKay G, Enria L, Nam S, Fofanah M, Conteh SG, Lees S. Family planning in the Sierra Leone Ebola outbreak: Women's proximal and distal reasoning. Studies in Family Planning. 2022
Ousman K et al (inc McKay G). Evaluation of a health systems strengthening intervention to improve Ebola Virus Disease infection prevention and control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Global Health Reports. 2022
McKay G, Baggio O, Camara C A, Erlach E, Robles Dios L, Checchi F, Rohan H. 'The response is like a big ship': community feedback as a case study of evidence uptake and use in the 2018-2020 Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. BMJ Global Health. 2022
Takemoto M, McKay G, Amorim M, Gbomosa CN, Tengbeh AF, Wenham C. How can countries create outbreak response policies that are sensitive to maternal health? BMJ. 2021
McKay G, Lees S. Letter to the Editor re. Protection by Exclusion: Another Missed Opportunity to Include Pregnant Women in Research During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2020
Rohan H, McKay G. The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: why there is no 'silver bullet'. Nature Immunology. 2020
McKay G, Black B, Janvrin A, Wheeler E. Sexual and reproductive health in Ebola response: A neglected priority. Humanitarian Exchange Magazine. 2020
Dada, S, McKay G, Mateus A, Lees S. Lessons learned from engaging communities for Ebola vaccine trials in Sierra Leone: reciprocity, relatability, relationships and respect (the four R's). BMC Public Health. 2019
McKay G, Parker M. Epidemics. Humanitarianism: A dictionary of concepts. 2018
Hanefeld J et al (inc McKay G) Towards an understanding of resilience: Responding to health systems shocks. Health Policy and Planning. 2018
Mattia JG et al (inc McKay G) Early clinical sequelae of Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone: a cross-sectional study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2015
McKay G. “There was no good choice”: An ethics case study from the Ebola response. Nursing ethics. 2015
Black B, Laking J, McKay G. Birth partners are not a luxury. BMJ Opinion. 2020
Boland S, McKay G, Black B, Mayhew S. Covid-19 has forced a reckoning - the UK has much to learn from low-income settings. The BMJ Opinion. 2020
Black B, McKay G. Covid-19 and reproductive health: What can we learn from previous epidemics? The BMJ Opinion. 2020
Rohan H, McKay G, Kosia B. "Working in silos doesn't work for outbreak response": Localising social science response efforts in West Africa. PLOS Blogs: Research Analysis and Science Policy. 2019
McKay G. First hand reflections on supporting the Ebola outbreak in DRC. LSHTM Expert Opinion. 2019
Mayhew S et al (inc McKay G). More of the same won’t solve Congo’s Ebola crisis – Let locals lead. The Guardian. 2019
Boland S, McKay G. Lessons from the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. Africa at LSE blog. 2018
Ongeri E, McKay G. Thousands of Ebola survivors are still in need of support - Advocacy Statement. The Lancet Global Health Blog. 2016
Hoffmann K, McKay G. The importance of social and behavioral change response in the Zika epidemic: Lessons learned from Ebola. 2016
McKay G. Protecting myself, protecting the nation: Ebola awareness and risk mitigation for police officers in Sierra Leone. ReliefWeb. 2014
McKay G. Infection prevention and control training at the GOAL Ebola Treatment Centre. YouTube. 2014
McKay G. World Food Day: Rolling out a GOAL innovation in Malawi. ReliefWeb. 2014
WHO Health Emergencies Infection Prevention & Control (inc Guideline Development Group member McKay G). Infection prevention and control guideline for Ebola and Marburg disease, August 2023. WHO. 2023
Janvrin A, McKay G. Maternal, Newborn and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (MNRHiE) and Covid-19 – successes, challenges and next steps: An expert consultation. READY Initiative / IAWG. 2020
Black B, Boland S, Mayhew S, McKay G. Pandemics constrain resources even of wealthy nations. Evidence submission to the UK House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee. 2020
McKay G, Black B, Mbambu Kahamba S, Wheeler E, Mearns S, Janvrin A. Not All That Bleeds Is Ebola: How has the DRC Ebola outbreak impacted Sexual and Reproductive Health in North-Kivu? The International Rescue Committee. 2020
Referenced in editorial: Appropriate care for pregnant women in Ebola outbreaks. The Lancet. 2020
Thumath M et al (inc McKay G). Mixed methods evaluation of a community-based Ebola response intervention: “Accelerating Infection Prevention and Control in Priority Health Zones in Butembo and Katwa with youth leaders and medical students in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. WHO Report. 2019
Kamlongera A, McKay G. Floods and droughts through a gendered lens: Mitigating strategies for women, men, girls and boys in Malawi. Food Security and Nutrition Network. 2015
McKay G, McCrossan G. Challenging and addressing the structural, cultural and attitudinal determinants for sustained behaviour change: Training curriculum. GOAL Global. 2015
McKay G et al. Protecting myself, protecting the nation. Sierra Leone uniformed services awareness training. GOAL Global. 2014
Rogers C. Global Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights podcast. 2023 (McKay G, guest)
Andrews L. Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies, in Fiji and Globally. Contain This: The Latest in Global Health Security podcast. 2020 (McKay G. guest)
Carling & Michelle. Adventures of an infectious disease expert. I Did Not Sign Up For This podcast. 2020 (McKay G. guest)
Newey S. World's second deadliest Ebola outbreak finally over, DRC declares. The Telegraph. 2020 (McKay G. quoted)
Newey S. Is Congo's 14 month Ebola outbreak finally nearing an end? The Telegraph. 2019 (McKay G. quoted)
O'Carroll S. There is truly no reason to die from cholera but 9,000 people have since 2010. 2015 (McKay G. quoted)
McKay G. Dear Diary: Today I tackled Ebola in Sierra Leone. The Globe and Mail. 2014